
The founders:

Other facilitators in our community

We are proud of our connection to MenSpeak – the UK’s longest running and most accessible organisation for men’s work.

In recognition of this connection 5% of our profits go to support the running of this CIC.



Josh is driven by the belief that for people to thrive in life and work, what they ultimately need is to feel accepted, warts and all.

Josh is an entrepreneur, setting up an award-winning video advertising agency and working with some of the worlds most renowned brands. This experience led him to move away from advertising and to explore how he can help build acceptance and connection in the workplace.

Over the last few years, Josh has become a Senior Member of ACCPH, certified life coach, founder of Big Kid At Work, group facilitator with MenSpeak and corporate programme facilitator with The Failure Institute.

He is also a Dad, husband, deep thinker and Sopranos lover.  A good friend recently described him as “a man on a journey”. So, when that journey ends, he hopes people will remember him as someone who seized the moments, embraced the unexplored and brought a bit more laughter, honesty and love into their world.



Jan believes that the passion, purpose, and prosperity of the planet will only be fully realised through genuine human-to-human connection. When people feel seen, heard, and held by each other. From this safe space, we can unlock our latent gifts and create magic.

Jan spent 20 years in the advertising industry, as a strategy director, working for global agencies and brands. He saw, first-hand, how creativity and collaboration are stifled by fear-based tension… second-guessing what your friend, colleague, boss, or client is thinking and feeling.

Through his qualifications in NLP, psychosynthesis, coaching, and facilitation, Jan has been able to develop a robust and flexible approach to support human-to-human connection in commercial and personal environments.

As a fellow of the ACCPH, Jan is also responsible for developing accreditation standards for men’s work and other areas.

Jan is an accidentally amusing curator of experiences. He uses stories and memories to help others see themselves and hopes that one day he will see himself, too.



Greg believes that people can do amazing things at work and that organisations owe it to the world to make that possible. 

He spent 20 years in the corporate world: firstly, in HSBC doing deals, managing and leading teams and understanding how commercial organisations work, and then in consulting, where he learned how to coach, facilitate and to observe organisations in a new way – as a network of human relationships.  GoodCompany gives Greg the vehicle to combine all that corporate experience and belief in the power of relationships, with a new way of connecting people at work.

He is a qualified coach, facilitator, men’s group facilitator, ACCPH senior member and accrediting trainer with The Positive Power & Influence Programme.  He’s also a father (of three grown-up kids), partner (to Lisa), brother, and uncle (to nieces and nephews he wishes he saw more often).

He thinks he’s funny(!), good at understanding people and their stories, direct, and confident.  (Also, a bit snappy, impatient and stubborn when he lets his insecurities take the wheel.)



Jonty believes that under the surface everyone wants to feel a sense of connection to other people. Companies that ‘get’ that everyone needs a sense of belonging and that work can provide this, are creating something special.

He has spent many years working as a business psychologist helping organisations recruit and train staff to be the best they can be at work. He has delivered face to face and online development events to literally thousands of people working in dozens of different organisations located from Durham to Dubai, and Halifax to Houston. At the front of his mind is always the psychology of people’s needs to be recognised, have enough of a sense of control and a nourishing level of openness and intimacy with others. 

He is a qualified executive coach, an associate fellow of The British Psychological Society, a qualified online facilitator of action learning sets and a former lifeguard (in a fitter, more youthful past life). He had successfully navigated two marriages, has 5 lovely kids, three grandkids, and spent a period of twenty years living in Sweden. He is now in Edinburgh where he is moving into the next chapter of his life focusing on not being anxious about what life can throw at him as this can make him focus too much on what he wants to ‘go’ rather than nourish the parts of his life he wants to ‘grow’.



‘Newsweek’ called him “The Man Whisperer” because of his ground-breaking work with men over the past 30 years. 

Kenny held his first men’s group 25 years ago and holds the only accredited men’s group training in the UK, based on his Amazon No. 1 best-selling eBook. 

Along with his skilled facilitators, Kenny has held daily online men’s groups since lockdown that have saved many lives, relationships and transformed the quality of connection in men’s lives. 

He works from his Regent Street therapy room with individual clients on their personal lives and business issues. 

His old mental health issues include OCD, Tourette’s, Body Dysmorphia, and other PTSD-related issues as a refugee from Uganda. 

Kenny has travelled the world and worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, sat with the elders in Fiji and experienced life from so many perspectives that challenged him to the core. 

Having turned those issues around, he is able to meet others in their place of a broken spirit and enable them to turn things around in their own lives.



Mervin firmly believes that every individual is responsible for their own life. He is noted for saying ‘You have the responsibility to set yourself free, free from expectations of others and the patterns that keep you stuck. The decisions you make today will determine your future.’’

With 18 years of experience in psychiatry, he specialized in Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Disorders. He has also worked with individuals who have a range of physical and mental health conditions, including autism, addictions, and down syndrome. Mervin, a trauma sexologist, deliberately decided to devote a portion of his professional career to working with young people. He offers lectures on these and related themes in colleges and at other events.

As a coach, he assists people in dealing with unwanted emotions and offers advice on topics such as mindset and disconnecting patterns related to transgenerational trauma.

Mervin has an unusual sense of humour, enjoys making people laugh, and he also has a contagious laugh. Aside from his great love of food (which his wife can attest to), he is also very passionate about the role of the man in the family and as a role model for young boys. He is active in the community and the city where he lives, and he regularly organizes events for men to raise awareness and enable positive change.



Paul studied human behaviour since the age of 13 after his dad passed away from heart disease. He wanted to quickly learn how to be a grown-up and be a man so he could look after his family (Mother and brother). And so the issue of over-responsibility was born, this led him on a journey of discovery to spend most of his teens and early twenties learning from teachers, mentors and even other cultures to understand how best to look after others.

He spent the next 20 years, with over 10,000 hours coaching one-to-ones in fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. Working as a freelance coach and personal trainer his work developed into teaching groups cooking skills, holding retreats, and finally moving into facilitating men’s groups. Paul is ACCPH senior Men’s work coach and facilitates groups for the last five years. 

He now lives in the Peak District with his partner and cat. Paul holds Men’s retreats, online and in-person group facilitation, and one-to-one inner work.