We believe that now is the time for organisations to play their part in helping those identifying as men to be the best they can be.

The world of work can be hard for everyone, and many men have yet to find a way to ‘drop the mask’ and truly share, learn, and grow.  This isn’t good for anyone.

Organisations need to change, and change takes time.  It can feel like movement is slow and stuttering. 

While organisations want to have their foot on the gas, often, without even realising it, men have also got their foot on the brake.

What would your organisation feel like if the brake were released?

We are a community of facilitators who help organisations enable men to become more self-aware, connected, and responsible.

Self Aware

about their helpful and unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving


to themselves and their relationships


towards the true value they can bring in their role

We do this to create organisations that people
love to engage with and be a part of.

Three Crucial Challenges

We know that culture is notoriously hard to shift. It is possible, though. After thousands of hours of facilitating groups, we’ve come to believe that today’s organisations face three crucial challenges:


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Three Crucial Challenges

This is a progressive and overdue move towards releasing the human potential across your team, department or whole organisation.

After thousands of hours of facilitating men’s groups, we believe that men typically face three key problems in the workplace:


Hierarchy and status mean men are afraid to be open about where they’re really at.


Building a community is harder than ever, especially with the effects of COVID and men’s tendency to withdraw.


Men often feel sceptical and disconnected from the business and typical change initiatives. This inhibits creativity, growth, and motivation.

EMC Method

To overcome this, we use our accredited three-step “EMC method” that simply works.


Every check-in starts in the same way; establishing the container, by setting the intention, agreeing the ground rules, and allowing all participants to become present.


Check-ins are held, not led. As such, it is vital to understand and become comfortable with what holding space truly means. Meeting men where they are, mirroring back their experience, moving through those feelings and managing any issues that are required.


Every check-in ends in the same way; closing the container, by ensuring there is nothing left unsaid, or unfelt. This is often (and not always) done via a check-out round, where a theme is closed off by everyone. Once the group is complete, the session is brought to a close.


Every check-in starts in the same way; establishing the container, by setting the intention, agreeing the ground rules, and allowing all participants to become present.


Check-ins are held, not led. As such, it is vital to understand and become comfortable with what holding space truly means. Meeting men where they are, mirroring back their experience, moving through those feelings and managing any issues that are required.


Every check-in ends in the same way; closing the container, by ensuring there is nothing left unsaid, or unfelt. This is often (and not always) done via a check-out round, where a theme is closed off by everyone. Once the group is complete, the session is brought to a close.


At the heart of our framework is a regular facilitated group experience, called the check-in. A simple practice that, when consistently and skilfully executed, transforms men’s ability and authority to bring their all.

Having a regular check-in creates space for:



Check-ins upskill men to truly listen and connect at a personal level, to ask questions that matter, reflect from personal experience, and learn to manage discomfort without the need to avoid or rescue.
Click Here



Check-ins offer a place where men come together and talk openly about what’s going on for them, inside and outside the organisation. We move beyond discussing how to rectify the latest project or what happened at the weekend. There’s no need to put on a good show (because you’re the boss or the boss is present). The framework enables you to show up as yourself.
Click Here



We show you how to create a confidential and judgement-free climate. In this environment men can think and act beyond the conventional limits of their role and status, leading to breakthroughs in trust, creativity, and confidence. =
Click Here

Check-ins upskill men to truly listen and connect at a personal level, to ask questions that matter, reflect from personal experience, and learn to manage discomfort without the need to avoid or rescue.


Check-ins offer a place where men come together and talk openly about what’s going on for them, inside and outside the organisation. We move beyond discussing how to rectify the latest project or what happened at the weekend. There’s no need to put on a good show (because you’re the boss or the boss is present). The framework enables you to show up as yourself.


We show you how to create a confidential and judgement-free climate. In this environment men can think and act beyond the conventional limits of their role and status, leading to breakthroughs in trust, creativity, and confidence.

“I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.”
- Abraham Lincoln

Our one hour Zoom taster sessions are limited to 24 people.

When you sign up for the taster session, we will
also send you a copy of one of our founders’ eBooks on how to hold space.

Meet The Team

Our Specialist Team For You

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Jorge Floyd

AdWords Specialist

Vienna Munez

Senior Designer













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This is what previous participants have to say about their check-in experience...

Rick, Entrepreneur Brighton

I can share freely and gain insight, not only from what others are experiencing but from their own unique perspective towards my own shares; giving me space to feel seen and express my feelings.

Miles, Business owner Midlands

The impact check-ins have had on my life is incredible! They have enabled me to emotionally regulate myself and better understand my world.

Jamie London

The space has been the ideal training ground for life, where ideas and judgements can be brought to light and put into perspective. My woes aren’t consoled in this space; rather they are respected and held.

We are innately social creatures and at some level we all seek a sense of belonging and inclusion. When men are disconnected from themselves, or others, they often withdraw or react from a place of fear, rather than respond from a place of awareness.

We believe that with the right approach, organisations can help men overcome this problem by generating a sense of togetherness. When this happens, what felt daunting becomes doable.

Our approach is easier to experience than explain.  So, we are now offering one-hour monthly taster sessions of our check-in experience. That way, you can experience the reality of the process yourself, before deciding if we want to continue the journey together.

Spaces are limited, click here to book your slot, or email us to find out more.