Our Services

The approach

A check-in is not a team programme or workshop. It is an organisation level process. 

It does not focus on human competencies. It works with the human condition.

Open Connection

Open connections are weekly check-ins available for men within the organisation/department that would like to attend that week.  They become a point of connection, embedded within the rhythm of the working week; a place where people know they can safely make contact, relate to others and, ultimately, reconnect with themselves.  Some men may choose to attend each week whilst others more occasionally.

There is no need to prepare, ‘put on a good show’ or play organisational politics.  People quickly see the power that comes from connecting with other people from all levels of the organisation, as themselves.

These groups are for up to 24 men; typically split into three groups of 8 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure personal space and attention.

We recommend that an organisation commits to a minimum of 6 initial weekly sessions before taking stock of the effect and benefits that are emerging.

Using our accredited EMC approach, we structure the sessions in a way that each person can contribute as much or as little as they would like, but always with the focus on awareness, understanding and relating to others.  That means that some sessions are highly free-flowing and self-shaping whilst others follow a more structured path, with ‘rounds’ prompted by a question posed to the group. 

Each check-in has space for whatever emotional content resides in the group, whether that’s joy, sadness, hope, playfulness, anger or fear.

Committed Connection

Committed connection groups would be ideal for a collection of leaders, managers, specialists, teams or a minority group who want to explore their life and work-experience together. 

They are, typically, weekly facilitated check-ins with the same group of people each time.  These groups are for up to 12 men; often split into 2 groups of 6 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure intimacy and connection.

Using our accredited EMC facilitation approach, the group will quickly establish a climate of trust and openness enabling them to bring their experiences, hopes and fears to the conversation. 

As the sessions develop and peoples’ stories unfold, so awareness, growth and trust emerge. Whilst conversations might sometimes be prompted by ‘business’ issues, the conversation stays with the personal and raising awareness . The group becomes a source of safety, inspiration and togetherness that people can recreate beyond the check-in.

We recommend that groups stay together for an initial commitment to 6 sessions; blocking out two hours at the same time and day, every fortnight or month. We would expect a review at that point for the group to take stock and agree how they wish to continue.

Imagine a group of ‘changemakers’ from across your organisation coming together in this way…

Open connections are weekly check-ins available for men within the organisation/department that would like to attend that week.  They become a point of connection, embedded within the rhythm of the working week; a place where people know they can safely make contact, relate to others and, ultimately, reconnect with themselves.  Some men may choose to attend each week whilst others more occasionally.

There is no need to prepare, ‘put on a good show’ or play organisational politics.  People quickly see the power that comes from connecting with other people from all levels of the organisation, as themselves.

These groups are for up to 24 men; typically split into three groups of 8 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure personal space and attention.

We recommend that an organisation commits to a minimum of 6 initial weekly sessions before taking stock of the effect and benefits that are emerging.

Using our accredited EMC approach, we structure the sessions in a way that each person can contribute as much or as little as they would like, but always with the focus on awareness, understanding and relating to others.  That means that some sessions are highly free-flowing and self-shaping whilst others follow a more structured path, with ‘rounds’ prompted by a question posed to the group. 

Each check-in has space for whatever emotional content resides in the group, whether that’s joy, sadness, hope, playfulness, anger or fear.

Committed connection groups would be ideal for a collection of leaders, managers, specialists, teams or a minority group who want to explore their life and work-experience together. 

They are, typically, weekly facilitated check-ins with the same group of people each time.  These groups are for up to 12 men; often split into 2 groups of 6 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure intimacy and connection.

Using our accredited EMC facilitation approach, the group will quickly establish a climate of trust and openness enabling them to bring their experiences, hopes and fears to the conversation. 

As the sessions develop and peoples’ stories unfold, so awareness, growth and trust emerge. Whilst conversations might sometimes be prompted by ‘business’ issues, the conversation stays with the personal and raising awareness . The group becomes a source of safety, inspiration and togetherness that people can recreate beyond the check-in.

We recommend that groups stay together for an initial commitment to 6 sessions; blocking out two hours at the same time and day, every fortnight or month. We would expect a review at that point for the group to take stock and agree how they wish to continue.

Imagine a group of ‘changemakers’ from across your organisation coming together in this way…

Your check-ins, not ours

While, initially, it will be important to have your check-in experience held by us, we believe it is in all our interests for our clients to build their internal capability and confidence to manage, facilitate and scale check-ins internally.  We will stay in partnership with you by operating as your external partners and supervisors, available for you to draw on our external perspective and coaching as you need it.

This would normally require 3 stages:

  • Check-ins become sufficiently valued and accepted within the organisation that a pool of interested and committed people becomes available for training.
  • Training and accrediting internal facilitators. This will involve one-off content and skills training events, followed by co-facilitation of events leading to internal accreditation.
  • Ongoing support and supervision from us to bring an external perspective, support and challenge, and to maintain quality of facilitation.

Check-ins become sufficiently valued and accepted within the organisation that a pool of interested and committed people becomes available for training.

Ongoing support and supervision from us to bring an external perspective, support and challenge, and to maintain quality of facilitation.

Training and accrediting internal facilitators. This will involve one-off content and skills training events, followed by co-facilitation of events leading to internal accreditation.

The benefits

The benefits of our check-in process are felt as much as understood - by the individual and for the organisation.
Which are the gains you’d most like to see and feel?

For you

Getting comfortable with conflict (internally and externally)

Creating space for old patterns to be recognised and changed

Seeing (and hearing) new ways forward
Feeling held and respected by your peers, in a safe space

Learning that vulnerability creates understanding and builds trust and commonality

Building new and strengthening pre-existing relationships, to form a community
Being empowered to take responsibility for one’s emotional state and well-being

Feeling grounded in your word. You do that which you say you will.

Gaining a vested interest in the well being, growth and performance of your peers
  Growth Connection Ownership
Individual Benefits Listening Safety Responsibility
Sharing Commonality Accountability
Reflecting Community Contribution
Organisational Benefits Communication Engagement Initiative
Talent Breadth Innovation
Reputation Depth Openness
Getting comfortable with conflict (internally and externally)

Creating space for old patterns to be recognised and changed

Seeing (and hearing) new ways forward
Feeling held and respected by your peers, in a safe space

Learning that vulnerability creates understanding and builds trust and commonality

Building new and strengthening pre-existing relationships, to form a community
Being empowered to take responsibility for one’s emotional state and well-being

Feeling grounded in your word. You do that which you say you will.

Gaining a vested interest in the well being, growth and performance of your peers

For your organisation

A communicative workforce that is confident to give and receive feedback

A broader pool of rising talent and future leaders within the organisation

The credibility of the organisation as a champion of innovative approaches to employee well being and development
An engaged, vibrant and caring element to the culture that has a ripple effect beyond the people taking part

A regular space where any issues (e.g. diversity and inclusion) can be discussed and considered

A levelling of hierarchy and power dynamics through authentic rather than role-led relationships
Facing up to challenges before defaulting to line managers or HR

An organisation-level invitation for people to think and act beyond the conventional limits of their role and status, leading to innovation

An open-minded approach to work that recognises the importance of divergent thinking and action, creating a workforce that delivers better quality work, in a better quality environment

For your organisation

Why Choosing Us?

Learn, Why Must Should Us

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We bring the right people together to challenge.


We bring the right people together to challenge.


We bring the right people together to challenge.

The Services Percentage

See Our Ability
Precentage Form Services

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


SEO Services






A communicative workforce that is confident to give and receive feedback

A broader pool of rising talent and future leaders within the organisation

The credibility of the organisation as a champion of innovative approaches to employee well being and development


An engaged, vibrant and caring element to the culture that has a ripple effect beyond the people taking part

A regular space where any issues (e.g. diversity and inclusion) can be discussed and considered

A levelling of hierarchy and power dynamics through authentic rather than role-led relationships


Facing up to challenges before defaulting to line managers or HR

An organisation-level invitation for people to think and act beyond the conventional limits of their role and status, leading to innovation

An open-minded approach to work that recognises the importance of divergent thinking and action, creating a workforce that delivers better quality work, in a better quality environment

Committed Connection

Committed connection groups would be ideal for a collection of leaders, managers, specialists, teams or a minority group who want to explore their life and work-experience together. 

They are, typically, weekly facilitated check-ins with the same group of people each time.  These groups are for up to 12 men; often split into 2 groups of 6 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure intimacy and connection.

Using our accredited EMC facilitation approach, the group will quickly establish a climate of trust and openness enabling them to bring their experiences, hopes and fears to the conversation. 

As the sessions develop and peoples’ stories unfold, so awareness, growth and trust emerge. Whilst conversations might sometimes be prompted by ‘business’ issues, the conversation stays with the personal and raising awareness . The group becomes a source of safety, inspiration and togetherness that people can recreate beyond the check-in.

We recommend that groups stay together for an initial commitment to 6 sessions; blocking out the same day in the diary weekly or fortnight for 60-90 minutes.  We would expect a review at that point for the group to take stock and agree how they wish to continue.

Imagine a group of ‘changemakers’ from across your organisation coming together in this way…

Open Connection

Open connections are weekly check-ins available for men within the organisation/department that would like to attend that week.  They become a point of connection, embedded within the rhythm of the working week; a place where people know they can safely make contact, relate to others and, ultimately, reconnect with themselves.  Some men may choose to attend each week whilst others more occasionally.

There is no need to prepare, ‘put on a good show’ or play organisational politics.  People quickly see the power that comes from connecting with other people from all levels of the organisation, as themselves.

These groups are for up to 24 men; typically split into three groups of 8 for most of the session, each with a facilitator, to ensure personal space and attention.

We recommend that an organisation commits to a minimum of 6 initial weekly sessions before taking stock of the effect and benefits that are emerging.

Using our accredited EMC approach, we structure the sessions in a way that each person can contribute as much or as little as they would like, but always with the focus on awareness, understanding and relating to others.  That means that some sessions are highly free-flowing and self-shaping whilst others follow a more structured path, with ‘rounds’ prompted by a question posed to the group. 

Each check-in has space for whatever emotional content resides in the group, whether that’s joy, sadness, hope, playfulness, anger or fear.